Do You Know Why You Should Avoid (Over) Customisation In Your ERP Software?

In the past few decades, customisation in ERP projects has been known to cause many major technical and organisational problems. It can even lead to limiting an organisation in their growth. Even worse: it can completely paralyse an organisation.

However, organisations are always willing to start new projects with customisation as the basis. There is, of course, a big difference between closing functional holes that are important to increase customer happiness on the one side. However, creating customisations just because individual employees or departments are not open to change or just because the technology allows us to, is something else entirely.

Read on for excellent reasons to avoid (over) customisation in your next ERP implementation or ERP cloud migration.

While adding software customisation to your solution is often perceived as a comfortable direction in the short term, it can be damaging in the mid-to-long term.

In general, this is what customisation can do to organisations:

  • It maintains outdated business processes
  • It extends the implementation
  • It increases complexity
  • It enlarges your dependence on individuals
  • It makes your project unnecessarily expensive
  • It blocks future innovation

Customisation has paralysed many organisations. That means it’s time to rethink this traditional approach to ERP software implementation. As a customer, you’ll want to standardise your business processes and stay close to the standard solution. That will make it easier for your customers to do business with you and it will make your organisation much more scalable.

Why not change things up and stop paying for customisation? Instead, start paying your favourite implementation partner for every change request they manage to prevent by solving it within the standard functionality. Then, pay them extra for the change management services they deliver to you so you can implement them in this way.

If you try this in your next ERP implementation, you will:

  • find it easier to modernise your business processes
  • become a more attractive vendor and employer
  • have cheaper, faster and less complex implementations
  • take full advantage of all available innovations

Interested in discussing this innovative approach? Then contact us today to take your first step towards a simpler and cheaper implementation!

May 10, 2023


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