From chaos to clarity: navigating ERP complexity for success

Embracing change can be daunting, especially in the realm of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). The labyrinth of complexity often leads to the downfall of ERP implementations, leaving organisations bewildered by partial or total failures. It’s not just the technology, but the people behind it, who wield the power to ignite or extinguish your ERP project. Those who cling to their old, familiar habits can unwittingly undermine your efforts.

This challenge is amplified in fiercely competitive markets, where products or services are largely indistinguishable. In this cutthroat environment, streamlining your ERP implementation is crucial. The million-dollar question is: How can you declutter the landscape of complexity even before the project kicks off?

The answer will elevate your chances of success.

When it comes to choosing a business partner, most potential customers lean towards simplicity, gravitating to suppliers with straightforward processes and transparent organisations. Similarly, job seekers prefer companies that are clear and logically structured over convoluted entities.

Yet, despite our innate preference for simplicity, many ERP implementations still falter under the weight of complexity. But fear not, for here are 3 game-changing strategies to keep complexity at bay.

1) Ditch the Top 10% of Your RFI

In the quest to define the ideal system, many organisations compile a Request for Information (RFI), encompassing the diverse needs and wishes of all stakeholders. To streamline the process, categorise these desires based on their complexity and leave the top 10% for a later stage. This approach empowers you to launch quickly and within budget. Later, you can assess whether these complex demands are truly imperative and relevant for phase two.

2) Each Change Request Justifies a Business Case

Human beings are inherently resistant to change, leading to a surge in customisation requests that pave the way for additional complexity. To thwart this, encourage your team to present their wishes in a ‘business case format.’ This format should include a rough estimate of the extra costs involved in the development, testing and long-term maintenance of the desired customisation. Request submitters should also elucidate whether and when this investment will tangibly pay off.

3) CEO’s Stamp of Approval

During ERP implementation, new customisation requests often sprout, reflecting the excitement of your team exploring the system’s vast potential. However, these requests can veer towards replicating the old system to stay in the comfort zone. Implement a rule that requires formal approval from your CEO for any requested adjustments during implementation and the usage phase. This will act as a safeguard, preventing unnecessary complexity in your new solution and business processes.

As you can see, the key to long-term project success lies in minimising (or eliminating) complexity during the selection and implementation phases. By taking these measures, you can significantly bolster your chances of navigating the ERP landscape successfully. Let’s embark on this journey to ERP excellence, unburdened by complexity!

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April 16, 2024