Unlocking Success: Everything You Need to Know to Get from Dynamics NAV to Business Central

For companies trying to keep up with the latest technological developments, it can be challenging to determine when it’s time to switch and embrace new software systems. Is your organisation ready for this switch? If not, what are the consequences of waiting (too) long?

The same applies to organisations working with Microsoft Dynamics NAV and considering upgrading to its latest version, Dynamics 365 Business Central. In this article, we give you an overview of the most important technical and business reasons why you should consider this upgrade.

Dynamics 365 Business Central is Microsoft’s latest cloud ERP solution, set to replace their very successful, on-premise-based Dynamics NAV (aka Navision). Business Central provides automatic major bi-annual and monthly minor updates rather than the previously optional annual upgrades to Dynamics NAV. As a result, organisations can enjoy the latest technological advancements much faster.

In addition, Dynamics 365 includes more advanced features to help businesses keep up with the modern demands of their customers and employees. For example, Business Central features in-built office tools – such as Microsoft 365 and Microsoft’s Power Platform – to increase overall productivity and streamline daily business processes.

Modern and more advanced features. Business Central features the newest and most advanced technology on the market – like the brand new and AI-based Co-Pilot solution.

Easy integration with Microsoft products. Business Central offers easy interoperability with other Microsoft products, including Power Platform, Outlook, Power BI, Dynamics 365 CRM, Excel, Teams, Word and many more.

Mobile accessibility. Companies with mobile or remote teams will benefit greatly from Business Central, as it works anywhere, anytime with a stable internet connection.

Lower TCO. Your Total Cost of Ownership will be (much) lower since Business Central is a cloud solution. This means that your system management is done by Microsoft in their highly automated data centres.

Foundation for your Digital Transformation. Unlike Dynamics NAV, a modern and up-to-date ERP solution like Business Central can function as the backbone for the digital transformation of your organisation.

In addition to these ‘offensive’ arguments, there are also some more ‘defensive’ reasons to migrate to Business Central sooner rather than later.

End of Microsoft’s support. Microsoft recently announced the end of basic support for Dynamics NAV 2018. Users of this version will no longer receive system updates with new functionalities, security patches and bug fixes. As a result, this leaves these users at risk for cybersecurity threats. This has already been the case for older versions of Dynamics NAV.

Avoiding further cost increases. With the decrease in the number of users, Microsoft is increasing costs for the annual maintenance of Dynamics NAV.

Interested in learning what a migration to Business Central means for your organisation?

Get in touch today: https://www.brooklandsolutions.com/contact/

September 21, 2023


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