Empowered for Business Central : Extended Item Attributes

Extended Attributes Management is a feature that enhances the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. It allows users to add custom data fields to various entities within the system, such as customers, vendors, contacts, jobs, and resources. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that require additional data points for their operations, which are not available in the standard setup.

Here’s what Extended Attributes Management enables users to do:

  • Create and link attributes: Users can define new attributes and link them to different entities within Business Central.
  • Assign attributes: These custom attributes can then be assigned to customers, vendors, contacts, jobs, and resources.
  • Filter and sort by attribute: The added attributes can be used to filter, group, sort, and filter data, making it easier to manage and analyse.

This functionality is included in the Empowered Business Central suite for various sectors, including wholesale, distribution, manufacturing, retail, and professional services. It’s designed to provide businesses with the flexibility to tailor the system to their specific needs, improving data management and operational efficiency.

The Extended Item Attributes feature is available in Empowered for Retail, Professional Services, Manufacturing & Wholesale and Distribution.

If you’d like to discuss more about how Empowered for Business Central can revolutionise your business, reach out today to Brookland Solutions for a no obligation discussion. Get in touch!

June 25, 2024